Friday, February 14 2025 - 4:01 AM
looking through a window at a bright new day
Photo by Dreamstime

A New Day

Despite the chaos, confusion, and uncertainty of the times in which we now live, I nevertheless am grateful to wake each day, opening these tired old eyes to the possibilities and opportunities that lay before me. My passion for life has not waned with the passing years but has only grown stronger knowing that life is never guaranteed. Life is rather a gift that is to be cherished. There is no second act.

If I look at my life as a metaphor for sand filtering through the hourglass of time, more grains now rest at the bottom than once filled the top when I was young. I was brash and confident in my ability to conquer any challenge thrust upon me. The world stretched before me like a blank canvas, waiting for me to write the story of my life.

Simple Pleasures

Each morning I awaken to the promise of a new beginning. I can use the possibilities and opportunities for personal growth, enhanced learning, fresh experiences, and a renewed effort to extract the rich marrow of a new day and find purpose and meaning. Regardless of how old or young you may be, there is joy to be found in the simple pleasures of life, such as setting and achieving goals, titillating the senses with novel new sights, sounds, and smells, and reveling in the pure ecstasy of being alive. These are the things that, for me, make life worth living. My childlike curiosity excites me to find out what may lie around the next bend in the road.

Even though my life has spanned almost three-quarters of a century, the sense of wonder at the world around me has never lost its luster; the intoxicating smell of freshly cut grass, the ingratiating sight of beautiful flowers that bloom in spring, the warmth of the radiant sun and the wide vista of a clear blue sky on a summer’s day. And, yes, even snow that falls like powder from the heavens above on a cold winter’s day, covering Mother Earth with a pure blanket of white. These are the things for which getting out of bed each morning fills my heart with joy and gratitude.

One Chance at Life

What keeps me actively engaged in living each day to its fullest is the chance to explore stimulating new ways for self-improvement: mentally, physically, and spiritually.

 As inhabitants of this world, we are but visitors and place-keepers for those who follow.

It is said that cats have nine lives. If that were true, then they have many opportunities to get it right. We have but one chance. From my vantage point, life is like a magical, mystical show in which we play our individual roles to the best of our abilities until the final curtain comes down.

Whether or not my performance is given rave reviews is immaterial. It is enough that I was able to play a part in this magnificent pageant we call life.

Robert Dustman writes from Michigan.

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About Robert Dustman

Robert Dustman

writes from Michigan.

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