Thursday, October 17 2024 - 6:59 PM
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Home Again

One particular November day, my son Michael and I had taken his old 1976 pick-up to the wooded lot in back of our home to take care of some fallen trees. Our little “forest” was about ¼ mile from our house at the end of a grassy trail.

After cutting up firewood with a chainsaw, and throwing it into the back of the old green and white Chevy, the weariness began to seep its way into my tired old body…with each block of wood. I was grateful to see the sun setting. The phrase “bone-tired” crept across my mind as I trudged back towards home on foot.

Good to Be Home

The wind sent the brown and yellow leaves scurrying along the ground around my old sneakers.  With each rhythmic, crunchy footstep, I came closer and closer to the clearing. I could see the outline of our small farmhouse in the distance. As I drew nearer, I could make out the warm glow of the kitchen lights through the window…but it wasn’t until I was just outside the door that I smelled the supper that my wife had prepared for us.

After spending a few hours in the crisp autumn air, that scent of chili was as welcome to me as the warmth of a fireplace on a winter’s night. I had enjoyed working with my son in the woods, but it was good to be home! Upon removing my coat and washing my hands, I gratefully plopped down into a comfy chair. I enjoyed a bowl of home-cooked goodness, and a handful of tortilla chips.

Thankful for Blessings

Supper tasted especially good, and upon finishing my last spoonful, a thought crossed my mind: “I have SO MUCH to be thankful for!” Sometimes, it’s the small stuff that hits me just right…like this hot bowl of chili after a hard day’s work. Or the smile of a family member who has been looking forward to seeing me walk through the door. I’m always grateful, but every once in a while God reminds me in very simple ways of the blessings He daily gives.

It reminds me of a verse in the Bible: “But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content” (1 Timothy 6:8, ESV).

Michael Temple writes from North Dakota.

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About Michael Temple

Michael Temple

writes from Grand Forks, North Dakota.

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