Saturday, September 7 2024 - 3:44 PM

Final Exams

Dear God: I’ve got a massive comprehensive final exam in 45 minutes, God, and I can’t help the feeling of dread that creeps over me.  I need help recalling what I’ve studied! In this fractured economy, so much is riding on grades these days. If I don’t pull a C, I have to take this class over again – and I lose a whole six months off my goal of getting that job certificate.

With your help, I feel like I’ve done all that a student can do to prepare for this exam: I took notes, did my homework, and didn’t cut class. But I get confused easily; my Teflon brain loses key ideas. And of course, when I panic, it’s hard enough to remember how to write my name on Page One.

So please, Father, give me a sense of calm, and a sure knowledge of your presence in my life. Win or lose, pass or bomb, score or go belly up, you’re my provider and my counselor. I claim the promise that when I trust in you, all things are possible. You’ve charted my destiny up until this moment, and the results of this exam will be just one more way where you guide me into your perfect future.


In Jesus’ name, Amen!

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David B. Smith writes from Southern California.

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About David B. Smith

David B. Smith

writes from Southern California.

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