Saturday, February 22 2025 - 9:10 PM
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What’s Your Price?

It’s been said that everyone has a price. The implication is that if the price is right, everyone will eventually compromise their convictions and beliefs. This is certainly true of some people.

During the L.A. riots some people exhibited behaviors they were not accustomed to (i.e. breaking windows and stealing merchandise from storefronts). They would not have done this under normal circumstances, but because the opportunity presented itself in a setting where the consequences seemed minimal, they quickly gave themselves permission to break the law.

Judas had his price. He sold his conscious and Lord for 30 pieces of silver.

Balaam had his price. At one time he served as a prophet of the Lord, but greed changed all that.

Esau had his price. He sold his inheritance to his brother Jacob for a bowl of soup.

What about you? What’s your price? If someone offered you enough money, power, or whatever you long for most, would you comply with their requests (no matter what)?

Let’s Make a Deal

Years ago the television game show “Let’s Make a Deal,” featured guests trading miscellaneous trinkets they carried into the studio for cash and premium prizes. They never knew what moderator, Monte Hall, might ask for. So they brought at a lot of interesting stuff.

Actually, everyone does have a price. Paul said, “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body.” (1 Corinthians 6:19, 20)

Jesus paid the ultimate price to bring you into His circle of love.

Prescription: Make a list of things (including people) most important to you. Rank them. Ask God to help you understand how these rank in your relationship with Him.

Written by Rich DuBose

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