Thursday, March 27 2025 - 2:53 AM
a girl lying on a cot
Photo by Dreamstime

Our Home In Heaven

Years ago, the following story appeared on CNN about a man who lived on a golf course for 40 years and was told to leave because some golfers complained he scared them. Other golfers, however, said the man was harmless and should be allowed to stay.

The man, who was then 55, first showed up at Palmetto Golf Course in Miami, Florida, after running away from home in 1963. He was 15 years old at the time. He collected and resold stray golf balls, used the club’s showers and toilets at night, and slept in a sheltered area on the course that housed the showers. The golf course became both his job and his home.

Sometime later, he married, and his wife moved on to the course, as well. After being “evicted,” they moved to a space under a nearby bridge.

This story punctuates one of the most painful dilemmas of modern society–the homeless. And, no matter how you feel about the issue, one thing is sure. There are millions of homeless people worldwide–many of them children, often orphans.

I believe God has a special place in His heart for these dear people because, oddly enough, Jesus himself was homeless! In Luke 9:58, He told one of his followers: “Foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but the son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.”

Lack of Security

Perhaps it is difficult for us to imagine what it would be like to be homeless. Most of us have never been faced with that level of vulnerability or lack of security. But many of us struggle to keep a roof over our heads in one way or another. We, too, are often one or two paychecks away from eviction from our homes! In reality, if we don’t work, we won’t make our house payments or pay the rent.

Rent-Free Home

I’m looking forward to heaven. For heaven will be a place where everyone has a home–rent-free! Jesus told His disciples in John 14:2-3, “In My Father’s house are many mansions…I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to myself; that where I am, there you may be also.”

Our true home is with God–where no one will sleep under a bridge or be evicted. He has a special place set aside for each one of us. Your name is on a heavenly mailbox! All that is required is that you know the landlord.

If you liked this, you might also like Home Again | Will We Have Our Own Homes In Heaven? 

Kathy A. Lewis writes from Arizona.

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About Kathy A. Lewis

Kathy Lewis

Kathy A. Lewis

writes from Arizona.

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