Sunday, March 30 2025 - 10:38 PM
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God Answers Prayer

It happened on a Wednesday morning. I woke up after a good night’s sleep and found myself sitting on the side of the bed. Whether right or wrong, I usually do not pray the first thing in the morning. I wake in the morning with a significant amount of pain, which distracts me from concentrating until the medication takes hold. However, on this day, I felt a definite urge to pray right then, despite the distracting pain.

For about two-and-a-half months, my house had been for sale. The reason: My health problems were a concern to all four of my children. Ten years earlier, my wife had passed away, and I was living alone in another city. Nine years prior, I had been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, plus I was currently battling with extreme pain in my back that went down my left thigh. These concerns required several doctor appointments, which meant one of my children had to take off work, drive me to the doctor’s office, and report the results to the other siblings. The request came through my oldest son. He said, “Dad, all four of your children feel you should sell your house and move closer to one of us.”

Trying to Sell the House

Of course, even before listing the house, I had prayed, “Lord, I have talked with you about my move and selling the house. However, Lord, at the risk of feeling sorry for myself, I would like You to see the sale of my house through. The reason: The pain in my back is distracting my thinking, as are the pain pills and the effect Parkinson’s has on my ability to think clearly.”

During the two-and-one-half months, we had two open houses. Twenty to 30 family units came through each open house. Their comments came through loud and clear — beautiful house, the price is right, your house will sell quickly! In addition, 23 family units came through individually with a real estate agent.

Even though 40-60 family units came through the open houses and another 23 family units were shown the house by a real estate agent, most left saying very positive things about the house. I asked if You would take the sale over. How are You doing on that, Lord?
No, I would never talk to the Lord like that!

My Request, His Answer

That Wednesday morning, my bedside prayer went something like this: “Good morning Lord. As You know, I am getting anxious about the sale of the house. I feel, Lord, that I need to be at the place where my children have chosen for me to live because of the facilities available, the daily exercise classes, the speech and physical therapy sessions available to me, to mention a few. However, Lord, if for some reason that place is not to Your liking, please tell me….”

After my short prayer request, my daily activities began as usual. At 10:00 AM, my phone rang. It was the usual check-in time for my real estate lady to call with an update. There was no update, but another family wanted to look at the house at 1:00 PM. My answer, sure, let them come through. The husband, wife, and two kids came through—they left as usual—without saying much to me.

However, at 3:00 PM, I received an offer, and by 3:30 PM, after getting an okay from all four of my adult children, I accepted the offer! Do you think God (Who knows all) perhaps wanted me to know my own heart—that I really desired to move to that place? He wanted me to talk to Him again, justify my wants and desires. Then, maybe, after I justified my thinking, God might be ready to grant my prayer request. He did, and very quickly!

WOW, what an awesome God we have!

Dann Dodd writes from Central California.

If you liked this article, you might also enjoy God Sent Me Flowers or An Answered Prayer for The Perfect Home

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About Dann Dodd

Dann Dodd

writes from Central California.

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