Saturday, March 29 2025 - 6:29 AM
lady sitting reading a book
Photo by Dreamstime

Let Go and Trust God

So often I would sit around and mope because things weren’t going right for me and because people wouldn’t come through for me. But as I got older, I realized I had learned so much and was able to network and research. I wanted to make a better life for myself. I’ve always wanted to live a good life! I wanted to never want for anything and be successful in so many ways, doing what I love.

I’ve always been a songbird. I love to sing. Singing is actually my favorite thing to do. I love using my voice! I’ve always had big dreams to make it big with my voice. I can tell you so many stories about why I’m 26 and just now able to actually live my dream, but I am so thankful for it all because it made me a better me. It made me a stronger me! It made me wiser as well!

Singing is not my only gift, though. I am a writer who writes songs and plays. I just wrote my first book, and I am a creative writer. Acting is also a gift of mine. I put it to use often, and mostly it’s used during frustrating and challenging times. Being silly and goofy have been two go-to activities to make others smile and laugh.

I was reminded and constantly reminded that everything we need and all of life’s successes are within us; we have to learn how to achieve them. Personally experiencing the pains and continuous letdowns were things I needed to help me accomplish these gifts from God. Relying on the past and dealing with unpromising expectations from family and friends, I put my success on hold. Getting past those cycles, I’m learning to put more positive energy into my gifts. As a result, I’ve become very productive and creative even during downtimes and frustrating times.

Sometimes we have to get to a place where we need to realize all of our wrongs and where we went wrong to get them corrected. This is so that we can accept what is real, be honest with ourselves, and allow God to be the problem solver, miracle worker, and way maker. Sometimes having an inner child trying to grow past resentment, rejection, and neglect, we tend to set ourselves back. Sometimes we don’t realize we are hindering our growth by dwelling on the pain we have to, at some point, outgrow and get truly past. But, if you trust and rely on God and allow Him to do His job, what we have been feeling and how we have been going backward won’t matter any longer. Are you willing to allow Him to do what He promised, or do you think doing it your way will be best?

Learning to Let Go and Trust

I don’t know about anyone else, but I would rather allow God to do His job than do it myself because I know I will mess something up and make things worse. I have come to grips with the fact that many things that have taken place were all because of me. For example, I didn’t trust God like I said I did. I didn’t lean on Him like I swore I did. Also, I wasn’t praying like I should’ve been. And I wasn’t letting go. I was holding on. I was allowing the pain, and I wasn’t fully healing as I should’ve been. Things I am working toward that I could have already been successful in, but it’s taking longer because of me.

From this point on, think about your mistakes. Think about where you went wrong. Think about what you did that set you back. Be honest with yourself. Face the truth. Pray and ask God to come into your mind and heart. Trust God and ask Him to guide you. Allow Him to do His job. Be patient. Also, be humble and prayerful. Be positive, and be productive. Work towards perfection. Focus on being that better and successful you. Go hard. Be strong—stand firm. Allow God to be first. You will be successful. You’ve got this because God has you.

Monique Esters writes from Mississipi.

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About Moneque Esters

Moneque Esters

writes from Mississippi.

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