Thursday, March 13 2025 - 8:59 AM
doll feet and doll shoes
Photo by Dreamstime

A Small Shoe

Like many little girls, I loved my dolls, but most especially my doll Samantha. I was eight years old when I finally saved enough money to buy her, and as you can imagine, I cherished her. All my friends had dolls from the same franchise, and we would all bring them to church so that we could play with them together.

The Lost Shoe

One morning before church, I got up early so that I could get Samantha ready. I loved dressing her up in her beautiful red dress and her shiny black shoes. But as I was getting her ready, I couldn’t seem to find one of her shoes. After looking all over my room, I began to get frantic because she only had one pair of shoes and the thought of losing one devastated me. I began looking again–under my bed, in my closet. I even looked on my play table, which I had cleared off the day before, brushing my hands across the smooth wood as if I thought it might be invisible. Yet, it was nowhere to be found.

Frustrated tears formed in my eyes and I began to cry. To a little girl, losing the only pair of shoes she has for her brand new doll is a very big and serious deal. I continued to cry, not knowing what to do.

Then I remembered something my grandmother had told me. “Katie,” she said, “God loves answering our prayers, and no request you make to Him is too big or too small. He always takes care of you and loves to make you happy.”

Asking for God’s Help

Hope filled my heart as I got on my knees, praying that God would help me find Samantha’s shoe. I remember feeling very calm at that moment and very happy because I truly believed that God would answer my prayers. As I finished my prayer, I got up and turned around, and my eyes widened in surprise. My missing doll shoe was right in the very middle of my play table, the same table that minutes ago was completely bare. Overjoyed, I picked it up and held it close to my heart. As I wiped my tears away, a smile spread across my face, and with a full heart, I thanked God.

It seemed like such a silly and unimportant request to make, but to a little girl, it meant the world. God loves answering our prayers, no matter how big or small they are. All we need to have is faith that God will answer our prayers. 

Katelyn Mendez writes from the Pacific Northwest.

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About Katelyn Mendez

Katelyn Mendez

writes from the Pacific Northwest.

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