Monday, March 31 2025 - 2:55 PM
Photo by Dreamstime

Coping in Chaos

Grabbing a cart, I made my way through the crowded aisles. I aimlessly strolled through the store, choosing fresh produce and items on my grocery list. Target was exceptionally busy, and I couldn’t help but wonder why the store was in such an unusual bustle. I pushed my cart to the toiletries’ aisle, pausing in utter amazement. Empty shelves stared back at me, not a single item in sight. How is this possible?

“Crazy, huh?”

My husband came up behind me with several items. “What?” I was still puzzled at the unusual sight.

“Everyone’s buying out toiletries and cleaning supplies due to the virus.”

Staring, I nodded in disbelief. I’d never seen the shelves so bare. As we made our way to the register, grocery carts lined up near the clothing aisles. Frozen dinners, canned veggies, bags of rice, savory pastries, and cases of toilet paper loaded the carts. People were in utter panic and survival mode, wearing masks and hoarding supplies.

Drastically Changed

Several months ago, people were toasting to the New Year. Now most individuals are frightened by a world-sweeping virus that’s taking the lives of so many. Those who barely read the news (myself included) are glued to social media for updates. Store shelves are stripped bare of necessities; school has transitioned to a digital reality. Businesses are experiencing dramatic declines in profitability, while stock values are plummeting. Our world has drastically changed in the last month. We are now bombarded with tips to stay healthy and avoid an illness that we cannot see, a disease whose effects are nonetheless sobering.

The COVID-19 virus has created a panic that has swept across our nation. As the virus spreads, people are forced to give up the luxury of convenience to stay healthy. We’re all warned to stay inside, wash our hands, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. However, there are still some who risk the health of others by refusing to stay home. We’re used to a lifestyle that involves scheduled appointments and social interaction. And let’s be honest, we can only take so much social media to sustain our boredom.

How Can We Be a Blessing?

During this difficult time, how can we stay busy and be a blessing to others? Below are a few ideas to bless others while at home:

  1. Start a Podcast – You can go many routes with a podcast. Do you enjoy reading? Read Bible stories or other kid-related books for families that have children at home. Perhaps, start a new devotional and share your thoughts each day through a podcast.
  2. Start a new project – Do you enjoy crocheting, card-making, or painting? Create something special for a loved one or even a stranger. Perhaps save your finished project to give until the virus has passed.
  3. Start a Virtual Class – Upload a how-to-video for your friends and family. Teach others a skill or hobby you enjoy, perhaps its bread-making, drawing, or photography. Share your talents with others!

During this time of uncertainty, remain positive and ever closer to Christ. Stay inside, and think of it as an opportunity to bless others!

Madeleine Lowe writes from Indiana.

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About Madeleine Lowe

Madeleine Lowe

writes from the Midwest.

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