Saturday, March 29 2025 - 1:35 AM
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Faith and Love

“Often I encounter religious folks who seem like they have everything figured out. I don’t mean their lives are working perfectly; I just mean that whenever any topic of faith comes up, they have a finality or an attitude that a verse, passage, or story has been examined enough, and all possible interpretations have been narrowed down to the correct one. Reading through sermons and religious tracts from even a century ago, I tend to find the same. What is it about faith that tempts us to leave no room for error and learning?

The religious leaders of Jesus’ day display this attitude constantly when they appear in the gospels. Maybe that’s why Jesus told His disciples not to have a faith like theirs, but like those of children. Children are curious. They ask questions constantly. They’re amazed by the simplest things sometimes. Is that how our faith looks in 2018? Are we explorers, excitedly searching for more pieces to the overarching story of creation, salvation, and service? Or do we think we’ve already reached the pinnacle of faith?

Personal Love

Jesus found joy in life. He treated those His society abused with respect and personal love. Do we? We know what Jesus didn’t value. He put little stock in material wealth, the “fairness” of daily life, or even His own reputation. Jesus challenged us to fall in love with Him and all of His great creation- all people and the environment that sustains them.

He said in Matthew “If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.” This is the power of God’s love- the ability to look through outward dressings and life’s difficulties into the souls around us, and to love them personally. Developing this skill is hard. It’s unnatural to our nature even. But the reward–both here on Earth and afterward—is infinite.”

Kaleb Eisele writes from the Pacific Northwest.

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About Kaleb Eisele

Kaleb Eisele

writes from Portland, Oregon.

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