Thursday, October 17 2024 - 7:17 PM
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Our New Home

Dear God: I can’t believe it, Father. After all these years, you have given us a home of our very own! The paperwork went through, the realtor hugged us both and surprised us with a beautiful plant for our kitchen table (which is still buried under boxes).

But it’s ours. A home we can call ours and where we can feel safe and grow comfortably old together.

Lord, please help it also to be a place of warmth and love for our kids and grandkids. And for visitors who need a safe bed and a quiet haven to hide from danger and faultfinders. Please bless every person who ever crosses our threshold and enjoys the protection of our sturdy beams and ceilings, our blankets, and our meals.

And Father, may this always be Your house. Make Your home here with us; dwell with us through good times and hard ones. We want our lives here to always make You and Your holy angels feel welcome.

Thank you, Lord.

In Jesus’ name, Amen!

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David B. Smith writes from Southern California.

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About David B. Smith

David B. Smith

writes from Southern California.

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