Friday, July 26 2024 - 7:25 PM


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Obedient to Death

Speaking of Jesus, Paul says, “He humbled Himself, obedient to death—a merciless death on the cross!” (Philippians 2:8, The Voice). Jesus was obedient to death. …

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Spreading Love

Three generations of women looking at book

After an extra busy week with work and family before the Labor Day Weekend, my husband and I realized we didn’t have the energy for …

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The Best Response

crown of thorns and nails

When Jesus was brought before Caiaphas, the religious teachers, and elders, in the middle of the night to respond to their trumped-up charges, he replied …

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child playing in costume

If anyone has ever written a book about motivation and how to increase it, I probably own it. There’s no quote I haven’t repeated over …

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My Neighbor

young woman on laptop

Laura is not the type of person that I would ever willingly invite to be part of my social circle. Laura had a problem with …

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Blurring Truth

camp site at sunset

I once saw a movie titled, The Day the Earth Stood Still. I believe it was a remake. This kind of movie is not unique—there …

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Sparring with Words

modern take on aggravating words

For all the personal revelations I’ve uttered out of my mouth, only about a third of them ever seem to hit a listening ear and …

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A Drastic Turn

yacht on the water

We left on a bright beautiful June day. I beamed with excitement as I buckled my helmet and slid on my sunglasses. Earlier in the …

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