Friday, July 26 2024 - 3:55 PM


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My Ugly Toes

feet with daisies

“If we take her to the doctor, they can surgically shorten her toes, and then she might wear shoes two sizes smaller,” laughter shot across …

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Sex, Romance, and Addictions

couple in bedroom

Todd, a thirty-one-year-old software engineer, has been a loyal husband for 12 years. When he met his wife, Stacy, they were both wounded, needy adolescents. …

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Tell Me the Story of Jesus

John Boyd

Pianist John Boyd plays one of his favorite hymns. Boyd says, “I enjoy improvising on hymns. Earlier this summer, KJ Langlais at First Plymouth gave …

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Relieving GERD

woman putting Alka-Seltzer in glass of water

Have you ever experienced eating a large, fatty or spicy meal and a couple of hours later starting to feel an unrelenting burning in your …

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REM Sleep

woman sleeping

Jay Summer writes, “Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep is a stage of sleep associated with dreaming and memory consolidation. REM sleep was first discovered in …

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Why Married Couples Fight

couple arguing

I believe at the heart of every deeply dysfunctional conversation—whether you do it “nice” and restrained or just trumpeting your fury with the raging carelessness …

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Hearing God

road signs at dawn

God continually speaks to people with words of comfort, guidance, wisdom, and sometimes, warning. And, from time to time calls people and hands out special …

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Addicted to the Empire

man looking at warring images

Like a lot of you, I’ve noticed a creeping compromise entering our church and its people. Especially the church in North America. I’ve got Christian …

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Injured Bird


Yesterday, when I returned from having lunch with my daughter, a Sandhill crane was resting in the front yard. Sandhills frequent our neighborhood, so that …

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