Friday, July 26 2024 - 6:01 PM


Maddie Lowe and Michael Temple share insights and stories from everyday life that give insight and hope.

Night of Traditions

children at Christmas

Twinkle lights, fresh snowfalls, peppermint everything, and the smell of pine trees are a few of my favorite things associated with Christmas. Every year, I …

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Unexplained Loss

lady with hands over face

“Staff, I have some shocking and terrible news. Evan passed away early this morning.” Stunned silence permeated the air with a bitter scent that sent …

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I Need a Hug!

I need a hug! At the risk of sounding despondent, I’ve come to the conclusion that I need more hugs on a daily basis. As …

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Letters From a Soldier

A familiar name caught my attention as I sifted through new emails. I opened the email, curious as to the content from this particular website. …

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Our Bodies Are Temples

Woman walking on treadmill

A chilly, spring breeze blew wispy strands of nut brown hair across my forehead. I readjusted my ponytail before grabbing my headphones and teal water …

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Picture Perfect

Fresh, crisp air greeted my senses as I opened the porch door. It was a spectacular Sunday afternoon with drops of sun and cotton clouds …

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Using My Spiritual Gifts

Beads of perspiration emerged, darting across my forehead in a distressed fashion. “It’s all settled then, Maddie. You will read the mission story for our …

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A New Language

“Will that be all?” Smiling, I motioned toward the plate of food. Without glancing up, the older gentleman rummaged through his worn wallet. I sat …

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Coping in Chaos

Grabbing a cart, I made my way through the crowded aisles. I aimlessly strolled through the store, choosing fresh produce and items on my grocery …

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A Gift for Mother

Sunshine streamed through the clear glass window, little rainbows bouncing off the crystal sun-catchers. Perhaps Mom would like one of these? Scrunching my eyes, I …

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