Friday, July 26 2024 - 5:43 PM


Maddie Lowe and Michael Temple share insights and stories from everyday life that give insight and hope.

Sowing Spiritual Seeds

someone planting seeds

Harvest season is my favorite time of the year! It’s a time where people share or sell their produce, canned veggies, and sweet jams. Bushels …

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Catching My Breath

couple walking on snowy street

“Hey, I’m going for a walk. Wanna join me?” My husband pulled on his gloves, motioning toward the door. He sensed my hesitation as I’d …

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Light in the Cave

rock climbing

Sunshine peeked through the hills and cascaded off the creek in a peaceful manner. Harmonious birds and the gentle water rush were the only sounds …

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Practicing Self-Care

someone writing on a pad

Last week, I scrolled through social media and came across a picture of self-care rituals. Curious, I pressed on the picture and began reading proper …

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Priceless in His Eyes


“What about this, Dad?” Holding up a colorful square box, I grimaced as dust particles speckled my clothes. My father glanced down with a smile, …

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Passing of Time

Stale light reflected off his computer screen as he sipped on lukewarm coffee. I glanced up at my father, stained papers piled up high on …

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Matters of the Heart

woman looking worried looping at laptop

Social media debates have a way of sucking you in. Maybe not at first, or even intentionally, but somehow they bait you out of curiosity. …

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Paying It Forward

Sunshine peeked into my apartment windows, streaming its friendly rays onto my kitchen counter. Grabbing my purse, I slid my wallet in and snatched my …

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A Spoonful of Kindness

Snowflakes drifted onto the windshield as the temperature dipped along with the sun. I drug my weak body into the seat, using every ounce of …

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