Friday, July 26 2024 - 4:24 PM

Tag Archives: diet

Sodium Intake

salt shaker and salt

Trying to track sodium intake in our diet can be quite a task… especially if we want to lower our intake. Our first thoughts might …

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Holiday Eating

Christmas tree vegetable tray

It’s that time of year again. A time of much feasting, fun, and festivities. A time when we are tempted to the limit of endurance …

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Healthy Eating Tips

lady eating salad

Not too long ago, nutritionists used the Food Guide Pyramid to help us understand how to eat a healthy diet. Although it was an effective …

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Mood Swings

Mood swings. Who can understand them? Who can predict them? How do we justify them? And yet they exist. Here are some of the most …

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Healthy Herbs

The popularity of Italian, Mexican, Greek, Chinese, Indian, Thai, and other ethnic cuisine has introduced us to a variety of unique flavors. Different parts of …

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Tips for Weight Management

12 principles for safe and effective weight management Trying to lose weight? Check out these 12 principles for safe and effective weight management. As always, …

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Diabetes Management

Diabetes  mellitus is a condition that prevents the body from regulating the amount of sugar (glucose) in the blood. There are two common types of  …

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Small Steps

When I’m stressed out, I like to go out for a good run. In that moment when the world becomes too much for me, I …

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