Friday, July 26 2024 - 4:03 PM

Anchor Points

Rich DuBose explores questions and thoughts about life’s purpose and meaning.

Whose Spirit?

man and Bible

We are either filled with a spirit of generosity and grace, or a spirit of self-absorption, stinginess, and greed. The two attitudes (frames of reference) …

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Money Talks

person counting money

If we could create a graphic that illustrates what we have done and are doing with our money, what would it depict? What might the …

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Man with halo and angel wings

The idea that we are deserving of something, or somehow entitled, alters our ability to view ourselves and others with objectivity. “The older brother got …

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The Unsettling Savior

praying at sunset

Jesus was radically out of sync with the norm. Instead of playing by the rules, He replaced them with ones that shattered the status quo. …

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Living in Community

people walking on street

The battle for righteousness, community and truth is public. Anyone can see it if they open their eyes. “The Son watches the Father closely and …

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God’s Kingdom Shows Up

older lady reading a book

One day the Pharisees asked Jesus, “When will the Kingdom of God come?” Jesus replied, “The Kingdom of God can’t be detected by visible signs. …

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A Difficult Truth

reading a book

When bad things happen, we pray for instant relief, deliverance and resolution. But notice Jesus’ personal response to impending trauma. “We must allow the story of …

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The Sound of Silence

man alone fishing on the lake

Did you know that silence can be loud? Really loud? Sometimes it is what’s not said that speaks the loudest. “The chief priests went on …

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What is Your Focus?

woman looking disillusioned

The two disciples walking the road to Emmaus were so overwhelmed with their loss of Jesus that they didn’t recognize that the “stranger” who joined …

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