Friday, July 26 2024 - 4:53 PM

Tag Archives: kindness

Matters of the Heart

woman looking worried looping at laptop

Social media debates have a way of sucking you in. Maybe not at first, or even intentionally, but somehow they bait you out of curiosity. …

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Paying It Forward

Sunshine peeked into my apartment windows, streaming its friendly rays onto my kitchen counter. Grabbing my purse, I slid my wallet in and snatched my …

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A Spoonful of Kindness

Snowflakes drifted onto the windshield as the temperature dipped along with the sun. I drug my weak body into the seat, using every ounce of …

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Letters From a Soldier

A familiar name caught my attention as I sifted through new emails. I opened the email, curious as to the content from this particular website. …

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Getting Along

Answers for me - girl looking contemplative

Why can’t we all just get along? Have you ever wondered why it is so difficult to get along with each other? Within your family? …

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People Need People

Dr. Karl Menninger was once asked, “If you knew a person was heading for a nervous breakdown what would you suggest?” Everyone expected that the …

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A New Normal

Our world seems as though it has come to a halt. So much of our everyday-ness has been redefined to a “new normal.” Who would …

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Benevolence is a word that we seldom hear used today. It means that someone who is benevolent has a disposition to do good and to …

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Computer Repair

If you are a writer, then lockdowns, social distancing, sheltering in place, and quarantines are mighty fine times to be at home! No excuses left. …

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Judgment of Others

There’s a really good chance what you’re about to read will sound a little too good to be true, not to mention very simple. But …

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