Friday, July 26 2024 - 5:42 PM

Tag Archives: travel

Why Not Travel?

dog going on a trip

Last year my husband and I made our first transcontinental trip to visit friends in South Africa. We were awestruck at the vastness of that …

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A Life of Purpose

At 55 I found myself alone, my life seemingly without purpose. As a single mom for many years, just keeping myself and my four sons …

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Pull Off The Road

car on snowy road

“Sometimes you just have to pull off the road.” This thought kept invading my mind as my little rental car continued to slip and slide on the …

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On the Road

guy driving car

Dear God: For the last two weeks, I’ve been on the road on business, away from my immediate family. Sometimes it gets lonely. Thank you …

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Seatmate on the Train

Last fall I decided to take a train journey. I thought a quiet, peaceful train ride across the US would give me time for reflection …

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Can’t Stop Crying

Dear God: The other people in business class think I’m crazy, but I can’t stop crying. The flight attendant just brought me tissues. How do …

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Travel Care

“You’ve got to be careful!” I caught myself repeating the phrase (again) to Maddie, my 19 year old, but it sounded empty as it passed …

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Coming Home

It’s over. Months of planning and anticipating are behind me. I went, I ate, I laughed, I cried, I got lost, I found my way, …

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