Friday, July 26 2024 - 3:57 PM

Tag Archives: prayer

He’s Changing Me

Changing Me

I enjoy going to church. Greeting people from week to week and exchanging hugs and words warms my heart. Singing songs about Jesus and blending with dozens …

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Dorothy’s Escape

What amazes me about people is that even though some are faced with seemingly insurmountable odds, they move ahead with courage and hope. I’m inspired …

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As Little Children

Dear God: I can hear my grandchildren wrestling in the living room and I’m not sure I’ve ever heard anything more delightful. The baby is …

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Keep Asking

Dear God: It probably happens once a day. “Which foot does this go on?” asks 4-year-old Tommy as he holds up his shoes to me. …

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A Sting and A Hospital

My husband and I were enjoying a warm summer evening and talking about the trip to Steamboat Rock State Park we were planning for the …

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Our Health

Dear God: It feels so good to be in good health! Last month, when I had that flu bug for almost a week, and was …

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Looking for Answers

I was sitting in my office one day working on a project with a deadline looming over me when the phone interrupted my focused concentration. …

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Dear God: It’s amazing how one compliment or word of praise can change a day! Heading out to the car after our small-group meeting last …

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