Friday, July 26 2024 - 4:54 PM

Tag Archives: parenting

Speak Once, Then Act

child hugging adult

Someone once suggested that the best guide to discipline is just four words long: “Speak once, then act.” My cousin Morris Venden once described an …

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Be Consistent

father and son

Have you ever caught yourself disciplining your child today for something that last week you let slide? Or constantly changing the house rules because of …

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Are You Trustworthy?

mother talking to child

If you think your kids were born with an innate sense that they should trust you blindly, you are dead wrong. How you treat your …

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Too Much Screen Time

When I was almost 40 and had been married for nearly 10 years, with three preschoolers and a teenager, it dawned on me that I …

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Challenging Children

Eight-year-old Jessica was a challenging child. A bossy, fussy girl with only a few friends, she frustrated and alienated even those who loved her the …

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The Accident


One day, I almost killed my children. And I don’t mean that figuratively. While driving 65mph on a major freeway in Southern California, I failed …

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Someone Important

woman going to work

I used to be someone important. Formerly, I was a teacher educating a hundred kids each week. I loved my work. I loved the mentoring, …

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When to Start School

child at blackboard

Just because children typically start school or kindergarten at five or six years of age, and first grade at six or seven, doesn’t mean that …

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Everyday Chores

pencil on pad of paper

Dear God: Okay, here’s my glamorous chore list for today. One: vacuum. Two: take those packages to the Post Office. Three: make a run to …

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