Friday, July 26 2024 - 7:52 PM

Tag Archives: new life

New Life

cat and dog

We are awaiting the addition of a family member. In about three weeks, we are picking up a puppy to join our furry home companions. …

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He Gives Life

“The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will …

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New Life

mother holding baby

Dear God: I watched the birth of my daughter today. At three minutes after one, her tiny head emerged . . . and then I …

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Resurrection Hope

Dear God: My heart was so touched at Lupe’s funeral last night. The whole service was in Spanish—and I didn’t understand a word. Most of …

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Born Again

When we tell stories about our childhood, I am guessing that none of us ever talk about being born. We may have heard Mom’s version …

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Coming to Jesus

One rainy Sunday morning in 1980, I was sitting in a large, brown beanbag chair in our living room in Killen, Texas, feeling an emptiness …

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Immortal Dad

iBelieve: Death and Resurrection | PDF Version | Study Guide: Death and Resurrection I had never really thought about the obvious fact that a human …

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The End of Evil

iBelieve: Sin Will Come to an End | PDF Version | Study Guide: The Millennium and the End of Sin In C. S. Lewis’ Christian …

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Death and Resurrection

iBelieve: When Does Eternity Begin? | PDF Version In the scary Christian sci-fi space trilogy by C. S. Lewis, there’s a scene in That Hideous …

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