Friday, July 26 2024 - 4:48 PM

Tag Archives: love

The Price of Compassion

two people holding hands

Have you ever thought about what has protected humanity from being destroyed? Maybe your first thought is love. But it is through compassionate acts that people …

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A Smile Brings Hope

When the pandemic began in March, I didn’t know what to expect at the long-term care facility that I work at. In the 30 plus …

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Accepting Vulnerability

While I was engaged as a mental health counselor, I was surprised by the many diverse people that called upon me for help—men, women, teens, …

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My Biggest Crush

Why two of them? They were identical twins, and to love one was to love the other. Basketball player tall. Pretty-man faces. Shock of black …

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People Need People

Dr. Karl Menninger was once asked, “If you knew a person was heading for a nervous breakdown what would you suggest?” Everyone expected that the …

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Expressions of Love

How many times have I signed a letter or an email or a birthday card that way? I wouldn’t even attempt to count. Even though …

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A Gift for Mother

Sunshine streamed through the clear glass window, little rainbows bouncing off the crystal sun-catchers. Perhaps Mom would like one of these? Scrunching my eyes, I …

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Love and Trust

If you can nail down what I’m about to unpack here, and convince yourself to practice it, you will find yourself able to navigate the …

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Say Nice Things

“If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all!” I heard that a lot when I was growing up. Apparently, I …

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