Friday, July 26 2024 - 3:26 PM

Tag Archives: faith

Consider the Sparrows

“Look, if you sold a few sparrows, how much money would you get? A copper coin apiece, perhaps? And yet your Father in heaven knows …

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Love and Trust

If you can nail down what I’m about to unpack here, and convince yourself to practice it, you will find yourself able to navigate the …

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Forever Young

Perhaps you caught the story years ago online: “A 56 year-old inventor and author predicts that human immortality is no more than 20 years away!” …

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Soup Kitchen Faith

The pungent odor of sweaty bodies and pre-cooked food greeted me as I walked in. Enormous pots bubbled with soup, and pre-cut salad fixings lined …

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Sometimes I Doubt

Dear God: I was hit with a surging wave of doubt today. About You. Please forgive me, but I’m sometimes bombarded by the fact that …

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Faith and Love

“Often I encounter religious folks who seem like they have everything figured out. I don’t mean their lives are working perfectly; I just mean that …

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God Whispered My Name

Asleep in my California seaside apartment, I suddenly heard my name, “Ron,” in a clear, distinct whisper. Immediately I awoke and checked the small apartment …

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The End of Camp

We were studying about the last Days…raging fires, shivering mountains, approaching soldiers, and fearful saints. We charted the Time of Jacob’s Trouble, the Time of …

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My Surgery

It’s quite interesting how one moment can shake an individual’s world. One minute everything is fine, and then the next minute your mind is abruptly …

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Where Was God?

While other children were put to bed with tales of fairies and beanstalks, I was tucked in to stories of whales and floods. God has …

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