Saturday, September 7 2024 - 3:32 PM

Corona Diaries

Good in COVID

art pencils

COVID hit the world unexpectedly during my seventh month of working as a student journalist in Peru. When Peru airports closed to all traffic, the …

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Another Way to Entertain

handing bag to someone

Rachel called the other day, saying something that I couldn’t quite understand. Rachel is an Indian friend, and sometimes I have difficulty understanding her accent …

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My Pandemic Renewal

guy sitting against wall with mask on and hands in hair

Forced into isolation and self-imposed quarantine, I returned to my childhood home in upstate New York. I’d finally escaped the city! The endless stream of cable …

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Goodbye Kathryn

woman with mask on

I was upset for days after she died of Covid. I shouldn’t have been. I never met her or heard her voice. I only knew …

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Take Heart

person with head down on desk with eyeglasses aside

I love this verse from Deuteronomy. “The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. …

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Happy Holidays

Lady looking out window

I brought in the mail, a handful of letters looking for donations, some with free Christmas cards. Usually, the cards have pretty pictures with the …

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Masked Out

lady wearing mask

I’ve learned to smile with my eyes. I always thought I did that anyway, but never before with a Covid mask that pretty much leaves …

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Our New Normal?

couple walking down stairs with masks on

One thing everyone can say, without a shadow of a doubt, is that 2020 broke our normal way of life like most of us have …

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COVID-19 and the Disabled

man playing piano

With all of the stay-at-home orders, and the multitudes of people infected with COVID-19, and some dying, those who are disabled must take extra precautions. …

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Are Masks Necessary?

To mask, or not to mask. That is the question. Are they necessary? Truthfully, it’s not honestly a question. In most places it’s a local …

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