Friday, July 26 2024 - 6:36 PM

Tag Archives: trusting God

Growing Through Trials

young lady stretching her neck

I know a guy who watches the stock market closely. Now, I know that there are many people today that are watching the market closely, but …

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Dying Prepared

man looking out over lake

My brother-in-law is one of the godliest men I have ever met. He has recently been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and unless a miracle happens, …

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Leaving My Worries

woman looking concerned

I worry, that’s what I do. Heavy-hearted I headed out to my weekly jail ministry. The women prisoners love the “pass it on” cards I …

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Asking Why?

We have a two-year-old in the family and I often get to help with his care one day per week. In the past few weeks …

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The Phone Call

I’ve always considered myself to be a pretty intelligent person. One of my favorite stories to tell is of an incident that happened in my …

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Playing it Safe

If we always hold back and try to play it safe, then maybe we aren’t really living. Many cautionary voices clamor for our attention from …

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