Friday, July 26 2024 - 4:02 PM

Tag Archives: righteousness

The Way of the World

homeless people living in tents

When throttled and measured, selfishness can appear chic and sexy. Just a sprinkle here and there to keep life “interesting.” But if we want to …

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Pour Out Rightesouness

“Open up, O heavens, and pour out your righteousness. Let the earth open wide so salvation and righteousness can sprout up together. I, the Lord, …

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The Eternal Fix

“I do not treat the grace of God as meaningless. For if keeping the law could [fix us] make us right with God, then there …

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How to Find Peace

Sunset over a field of sunflowers

“And this righteousness will bring peace. Yes, it will bring quietness and confidence forever.” —Isaiah 32:17 If you enjoyed this, you may like, Peace Among …

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