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Tag Archives: evil

When I’m Afraid

man looking concerned

Dear God: We live in a crazy world! Gun violence and mass shootings happen regularly. Evil walks the earth and crawls into people’s heads and …

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The Anatomy of Evil

caravan of camels and people in the desert

The sons of Jacob (Israel) were varied in age and disposition, but their influence upon each other was evil and dark. When Joseph, their younger …

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“For wherever there is jealousy and selfish ambition, there you will find disorder and evil of every kind.”  —James 3:16 Photograph by Pamela Williams

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Scams and Deceit

older woman on computer

The email came to me supposedly from my long-time friend—advanced age, many medical issues, and caretaking. We had recently exchanged lengthy email greetings, so I …

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Father of Lies

I don’t care what anyone tells you, if you read the Bible at all, you’ll find there is a Devil named Satan. The fact that …

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My Adversary

Dear God: I’m exhausted and feel like I’ve been fighting a war with one hand tied behind my back. I have misjudged my opponent. He …

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The End of Evil

iBelieve: Sin Will Come to an End | PDF Version | Study Guide: The Millennium and the End of Sin In C. S. Lewis’ Christian …

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