Friday, July 26 2024 - 6:59 PM

Tag Archives: empathy

Samaritan on the Train

subway train

It was 9 a.m., and Boston was already a sticky 80 degrees. I plopped in front of the air conditioner, content with the idea of staying planted there all day. Since I …

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The Picture

three girls sitting at memorial site

It starkly and vividly grabbed me by the emotional collar and yanked me headlong into a whirlpool of sorrow and despondency. It changed me in …

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Individualism or Mercy?

homeless man lying on ground

The thinking of a growing segment of Americans is that mercy is an extravagant concept that America cannot afford. Is this because they believe mercy …

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Who You Telling?!

girl telling someone something

Colloquialisms, expressions, and idioms have a special place in my heart. I find them very interesting because they seem to give a little insight into …

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Navigating Grief

“Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it,” observed Helen Keller. Many people have experienced the deep …

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Passing Judgment

We are so prone to judge, we seem unable to help ourselves. Since I first discovered this in my own life, I have made it …

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What Makes A Great Leader?

Models and theories on leadership are as numerous as they are varied in their approaches. While research on what defines effective leaders has been extensive, …

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