Saturday, September 7 2024 - 3:47 PM

Tag Archives: communication

Twenty-Six Letters

woman spewing letters from mouth

Twenty-six letters. Only 26 letters in the alphabet, but imagine the possibilities. Imagine the potential carnage! What makes the difference between a New York Times bestseller that …

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Accepting Vulnerability

While I was engaged as a mental health counselor, I was surprised by the many diverse people that called upon me for help—men, women, teens, …

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A New Language

“Will that be all?” Smiling, I motioned toward the plate of food. Without glancing up, the older gentleman rummaged through his worn wallet. I sat …

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Dinnertime During COVID

Family dinnertime in our home has become a sacred ritual. I’ve always enjoyed cooking and feeding my family. These days when there is less to …

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Encouraging Others

Do you sometimes feel like you’re a character in the movie Groundhog Day during the troubling days of this Pandemic? Many people say they do. …

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