Friday, July 26 2024 - 11:32 PM

Tag Archives: accident

The Wardrobe

closet wardrobe

Like any kid, I loved playing hide and seek. Being the youngest of 11 siblings, I used how small I was compared to the rest …

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A Drastic Turn

yacht on the water

We left on a bright beautiful June day. I beamed with excitement as I buckled my helmet and slid on my sunglasses. Earlier in the …

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When in Pain

boy riding bike

As a young adult, I often call my mom to vent about the stress I go through at school and update her on what has …

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Learning To See

young man looking through his fingers

The number of times I have gone to the emergency room because of his accidents were countless. My brother broke his arm skateboarding when he …

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The Right Thing

A wild snowstorm swept through the area one Sunday in January. Almost everything else were closed and we were alerted to stay off the streets. …

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The Power of Prayer

Brett Mehlenbacher can tell you what it’s like to almost die. But, through the power of prayer and God’s healing power, he can also tell …

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Chain of Miracles

It was a peaceful Friday afternoon. Vases of flowers and cards filled with loving messages covered the polished table. The painful panic was just beginning …

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