Friday, July 26 2024 - 4:38 PM

Susan Sundwall

writes from New York.

What the Birds Teach

girl riding bike

I pulled my eyes away from the computer screen and looked out the window at the birds and squirrels. They were at it again. Two …

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Goodbye Kathryn

woman with mask on

I was upset for days after she died of Covid. I shouldn’t have been. I never met her or heard her voice. I only knew …

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Masked Out

lady wearing mask

I’ve learned to smile with my eyes. I always thought I did that anyway, but never before with a Covid mask that pretty much leaves …

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Expressions of Love

How many times have I signed a letter or an email or a birthday card that way? I wouldn’t even attempt to count. Even though …

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My Messy Spouse

Like many young women in the first years of marriage I had expectations of a lifestyle that included the things of my dreams. At the …

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How We Cope

A watercolor Facebook group I belong to has put out a call for artists to paint greetings of all sorts. They are asked to send …

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My Addicted Brother

It had been many years since I’d married and moved to the other side of the country with my husband and little boys. Now I …

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Two Cars

I was so glad to learn that our new pastoral intern’s wife, Jane, was a crafter. In the course of getting to know her, she …

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